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2104 Monroe Street, Suite C
Commerce, Texas 75428

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903-886-0613 - Fax
903-886-0612 - Phone
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Occupational Therapy
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Occupational Therapists help you recover from any occupational-related injuries.  They can help you be able to function well in your own work place after an injury, a surgery or while through a changes brought about by a medical condition.

This type of therapy includes:

  • Grooming and bathing skills improvement
  • Self-care ability improvement
  • Energy conservation exercises
  • Body mechanics improvement
  • Deformity correction and minimization
  • Splinting and muscle re-education
  • Initial and ongoing evaluations of self-care abilities
  • Developing upper body strength, mobility and daily living skills
  • Education and usage of adaptive equipment needs
  • Heling improve balance and perceptual-motor abilities

If you have any questions or concerns about our occupational therapists, please do not hesitate to call our good office at (903) 886-0612.